This morning I wrote a blog 

Otis Chandler on Censorship & Goodreads being a site for Readers First, I forgot a very relevant link of GR's sales presentations showing how our data is of no. 1 prime importance to them, and how we as readers are only now valued because we can supply this data they can make money from.


Have a look at this: 

Goodreads Marketing Presentations


There is nothing about keeping us happy, no concessions to us that we would like if it conflicts with their revenue stream. I know Goodreads is a business, but we've been deliberately manipulated into thinking of it as 'our' site, 'our' online bookclub that we have participated in, in our thousands, adding and editing millions of bits of book data as 'librarians'. Every damn thing we did, from putting in our email addresses when we registered up to and including writing carefully-considered, very detailed reviews was just more product to be sold.  Unpaid volunteers for a billion dollar company, I suffer from cognitive dissonance as much as the next person so I don't want to call myself stupid, but...